Centre for Experimental Theatre joins RESISTANCE NOW: FREE CULTURE
The Centre for Experimental Theatre together with Husa na provázku Theatre, HaDivadlo and Terén add their signatures to the petition and open letter RESISTANCE NOW: FREE CULTURE.
The Centre for Experimental Theatre together with Husa na provázku Theatre, HaDivadlo and Terén add their signatures to the petition and open letter RESISTANCE NOW: FREE CULTURE. The open letter urges the European Parliament to protect the independence of cultural institutions that find themselves in a situation where their artistic freedom is under imminent threat. Hundreds of European cultural institutions from 39 countries jointly call on MEPs to "take an explicit stand" on cultural independence and adopt the "European Culture Freedom Act" as a tool to protect artists. Among the first signatories in the Czech Republic are the National Theatre, the National Theatre Brno and the International Theatre Festival.
Support free artistic creation with your signature.
Artistic freedom and the autonomy of cultural organisations are under attack in Europe. From bans to layoffs, violent disruptions to performances like at Sofia's Ivan Vazov National Theatre, we’re witnessing red lines being crossed.
Join the unprecedented campaign already uniting over 200 leading voices from 39 countries, representing 180 major national theatres, operas, festivals, and performing arts venues.
It’s time to act: sign the petition “RESISTANCE NOW: FREE CULTURE” addressed to the European Parliament calling for concrete actions such as the establishment of a ‘European Culture Freedom Act,’ asking for a clear positioning of the EU to protect the freedom and autonomy of culture.
This initiative has been launched in collaboration with Milo Rau and the Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) / Free Republic of Vienna, the network of publicly-funded theatres European Theatre Convention (ETC), the Prospero – Extended Theatre platform and the network Opera Europa.
Your voice is vital in this collective effort. We invite you to join us in signing the petition and sending a strong signal of solidarity and vigilance.