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scene of progressive dramaturgy

HaDivadlo is a theatre scene based since 2004 in Brno's Alfa arcade. During its existence since the 1970s, it has built a name for itself in the Czech theatre context as an alternative theatre scene with a distinctive view of the world and its own poetics.

From the beginning, it has profiled itself as a scene of distinct authorial poetics, demanding dramaturgy and strong creative personalities. The original ensemble was founded in 1974 in Prostějov in Haná. Under the leadership of Josef Kovalčuk, Svatopluk Vala and Arnošt Goldflam, with actors Miloš Černoušek, Miloslav Maršálek and Ján Sedal, the ensemble made the transition to the Brno stage in the 1980s and was connected with the Ochotnický kroužek of J. A. Pitínský in the early 1990s.

The current location is the former cinema in the arcade of the functionalist Alfa Palace by architect Bohuslav Fuchs.

The HaDivadlo programme reflects critical phenomena of society and the human situation in relation to its environment and the challenges of the future. Since its inception, the poetics of HaDivadlo has been based on intimate expression exploring the world in the space of the human soul. Important components of HaDivadlo's identity are the irregular dramaturgy, the authorial approach, the emphasis on intensity instead of building a specific style and, last but not least, community.

Since 2015, when director Ivan Buraj became artistic director, the core of the dramaturgical plan has been thematic cycles of seasons and an emphasis on combining aesthetic and extra-aesthetic elements of a progressive cultural institution, such as accompanying and educational programmes. Ivan Buraj will be replaced as artistic director in September 2025 by artistic collective consisting of Jan Doležel, Jana Vaverková and Justina Grecová.
